Lot: 1

Current Price: 3,000 TL Starting Bid: 3,000 TL Estimated: TL Losing Winning


Cover Page: Speech of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the Turkish Parliament in Ankara. With news from Ankara during the break of negotiations of Lausanne Peace Conference. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

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  • Lots
  • Winnings
  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  24 FEBRUARY 1923 – No 4173-Cover Page: Speech of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the Turkish Parliament in Ankara. With news from Ankara during the break of negotiations of Lausanne Peace Conference.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 1

    Lot: 1

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 24 FEBRUARY 1923 – No 4173-Cover Page: Speech of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the Turkish Parliament in Ankara. With news from Ankara during the break of negotiations of Lausanne Peace Conference. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION, 16 OCTOBER 1926 – No 4363-Cover Page: Opening Ceremony of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Monumental Sculpture in Taksim/Istanbul. 
No missing inner pages. Advertising pages are missing.
In perfect condition. 
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 2

    Lot: 2

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 16 OCTOBER 1926 – No 4363-Cover Page: Opening Ceremony of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Monumental Sculpture in Taksim/Istanbul. No missing inner pages. Advertising pages are missing. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  10 MARCH 1923 – No 4175-Cover Page: Marshal Mustafa Kemal with his wife Latife Hanım. 
With news from Turkey and Ismet Pasha during the break of negotiations of Lausanne Peace Conference.No missing inner pages. Advertising pages are missing.
In perfect condition.
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 3

    Lot: 3

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 10 MARCH 1923 – No 4175-Cover Page: Marshal Mustafa Kemal with his wife Latife Hanım. With news from Turkey and Ismet Pasha during the break of negotiations of Lausanne Peace Conference.No missing inner pages. Advertising pages are missing. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  16 JULY 1927 – No 4402-Cover Page: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his sister Makbule Hanım in Dolmabahce Palace. With news about Mustafa Kemal's Istanbul voyage. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 4

    Lot: 4

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 16 JULY 1927 – No 4402-Cover Page: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his sister Makbule Hanım in Dolmabahce Palace. With news about Mustafa Kemal's Istanbul voyage. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,   13 OCTOBER  1928 – No 4467-Cover Page: Presentation of Latin alphabet by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 5

    Lot: 5

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 13 OCTOBER 1928 – No 4467-Cover Page: Presentation of Latin alphabet by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  16 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No  4150-Cover Page: Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Ismet Pasha, the General of Kemalist Army. 
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition.  41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 6

    Lot: 6

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 16 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No 4150-Cover Page: Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Ismet Pasha, the General of Kemalist Army. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • 2 GRAVURES-1) Ayasofya Mosque
2) Doves at mosque yard in Istanbul
From La Illustracion Espagnola y Americana and Deutsche Illustrierte Zeitung Periodicals. 1870 & 1880’s.
28 x 40cm, 29 x 38 cm

    Lot No: 7

    Lot: 7

    2 GRAVURES-1) Ayasofya Mosque 2) Doves at mosque yard in Istanbul From La Illustracion Espagnola y Americana and Deutsche Illustrierte Zeitung Periodicals. 1870 & 1880’s. 28 x 40cm, 29 x 38 cm

  • 2 GRAVURES ABOUT ISTANBUL-Istanbul gravures from L’ıllustrazione Italiana Periodical. Dated 1876.     In good condition. 37 x 27 cm

    Lot No: 8

    Lot: 8

    2 GRAVURES ABOUT ISTANBUL-Istanbul gravures from L’ıllustrazione Italiana Periodical. Dated 1876. In good condition. 37 x 27 cm

  • GRAVURE/MAP-'Constantinopel',  1780’s.   In good condition.
Image size: 19 x 14.5 cm

    Lot No: 9

    Lot: 9

    GRAVURE/MAP-'Constantinopel', 1780’s. In good condition. Image size: 19 x 14.5 cm

  • GRAVURE-'Vue Panoramique de Constantinople, prise de la Tour de Galata, (L’Univers Illustré)',  1880’s.  In good condition. 56.5 x 41 cm

    Lot No: 10

    Lot: 10

    GRAVURE-'Vue Panoramique de Constantinople, prise de la Tour de Galata, (L’Univers Illustré)', 1880’s. In good condition. 56.5 x 41 cm

  • JOHANN BERNHARD FICHER VON ERLACH (1656-1723)-“Moschea di Constantinopoli detta la Solimania”, from  the book of 'Entwurff einer historischen Architectur' by Johann Bernhard Ficher von Erlach.  Dated 1725. In good condition. 
 29 x 22 cm

    Lot No: 11

    Lot: 11

    JOHANN BERNHARD FICHER VON ERLACH (1656-1723)-“Moschea di Constantinopoli detta la Solimania”, from the book of 'Entwurff einer historischen Architectur' by Johann Bernhard Ficher von Erlach. Dated 1725. In good condition. 29 x 22 cm

  • THOMAS SALMON (1679-1767)-'Constantinopoli sue veduvde e luogi vicini', dated 1739.   In good condition.
18 x 45 cm

    Lot No: 12

    Lot: 12

    THOMAS SALMON (1679-1767)-'Constantinopoli sue veduvde e luogi vicini', dated 1739. In good condition. 18 x 45 cm

  • JULES VERNE, MICHEL STROGOFF-Hachette Edition, 1934. In perfect condition.

    Lot No: 13

    Lot: 13

    JULES VERNE, MICHEL STROGOFF-Hachette Edition, 1934. In perfect condition.

  • JULES VERNE, CINQ SEMAINES EN BALLON / VOYAGE AU CENTRE DELA TERREVOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES,COLLECTION HETZEL-1880s. Rare sample of first editions with this cover page. No missing pages. In good condition.

    Lot No: 14

    Lot: 14

    JULES VERNE, CINQ SEMAINES EN BALLON / VOYAGE AU CENTRE DELA TERREVOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES,COLLECTION HETZEL-1880s. Rare sample of first editions with this cover page. No missing pages. In good condition.

  • PAUL JACQUOT (LIEUTENANT-COLONEL), ANTIOCHE: CENTRE DE TOURISME, COMITE DE TOURISME D’ANTIOCHE, 3 VOLUMES, BEIRUT, 1931-The most detailed book about Hatay-Antioche during French colonization. 
In good condition.

    Lot No: 15

    Lot: 15

    PAUL JACQUOT (LIEUTENANT-COLONEL), ANTIOCHE: CENTRE DE TOURISME, COMITE DE TOURISME D’ANTIOCHE, 3 VOLUMES, BEIRUT, 1931-The most detailed book about Hatay-Antioche during French colonization. In good condition.

  • ALEXANDRE RAYMOND, UNE LIVRE CELEBRE: ANGORA OU L’ANTIQUE ANCYRE, SCHULZ, PRAG, 1923-A rare book about ancient Ankara and architecture of Ankara by architect Alexandre Raymond, dedicated to young Turkish Republic. No missing pages, photographs. In perfect condition.

    Lot No: 16

    Lot: 16

    ALEXANDRE RAYMOND, UNE LIVRE CELEBRE: ANGORA OU L’ANTIQUE ANCYRE, SCHULZ, PRAG, 1923-A rare book about ancient Ankara and architecture of Ankara by architect Alexandre Raymond, dedicated to young Turkish Republic. No missing pages, photographs. In perfect condition.

  • JOSEPH-MARIE JOUANIN-JULES VAN GAVER, L’UNIVERS: HISTOIRE ET DESCRIPTION DE TOUS LES PEUPLES: TURQUIE, PARIS 1840.-A rare French about Ottoman Empire. No missing pages & gravures. Binding  as is.

    Lot No: 17

    Lot: 17

    JOSEPH-MARIE JOUANIN-JULES VAN GAVER, L’UNIVERS: HISTOIRE ET DESCRIPTION DE TOUS LES PEUPLES: TURQUIE, PARIS 1840.-A rare French about Ottoman Empire. No missing pages & gravures. Binding as is.

  • RUSSES ET TURCS: LA GUERRE D’ORIENT, PARIS 1878, 2 VOLUMES-About War of 93/Russo-Turkish War (1877-78). No missing pages & images. In perfect condition.

    Lot No: 18

    Lot: 18

    RUSSES ET TURCS: LA GUERRE D’ORIENT, PARIS 1878, 2 VOLUMES-About War of 93/Russo-Turkish War (1877-78). No missing pages & images. In perfect condition.

  • JEAN-ANTOINE GUER (1713-1771), MOEURS ET USAGES DES TURCS, LEUR GOUVERNEMENT CIVIL, MILITAIRE ET POLITIQUE, AVEC UN ABREGE DE L’HISTOIRE OTTOMANE, 2 VOLUMES, PARIS, 1746-One of the most important books about Ottomans in 18th Century. Includes Istanbul maps & gravures. In perfect condition.

    Lot No: 19

    Lot: 19

    JEAN-ANTOINE GUER (1713-1771), MOEURS ET USAGES DES TURCS, LEUR GOUVERNEMENT CIVIL, MILITAIRE ET POLITIQUE, AVEC UN ABREGE DE L’HISTOIRE OTTOMANE, 2 VOLUMES, PARIS, 1746-One of the most important books about Ottomans in 18th Century. Includes Istanbul maps & gravures. In perfect condition.

  • JEAN-BAPTISTE TAVERNIER (1605-1689),LES SIX VOYAGES DE JEAN BAPTISTE TAVERNIER EN TURQUIE, EN PERSE ET AUX INDES, 6 VOLUMES, ROUEN 1718-Travel book (Ottoman, Iran and India) by Tavernier.  Rare sample with original binding, no missing gravures & maps.

    Lot No: 20

    Lot: 20

    JEAN-BAPTISTE TAVERNIER (1605-1689),LES SIX VOYAGES DE JEAN BAPTISTE TAVERNIER EN TURQUIE, EN PERSE ET AUX INDES, 6 VOLUMES, ROUEN 1718-Travel book (Ottoman, Iran and India) by Tavernier. Rare sample with original binding, no missing gravures & maps.

  • IGNATIUS MOURADJA D’OHSSON (1740-1807), TABELAU GÉNÉRAL DE L’EMPIRE OTHOMAN, IMPERIMIE MONSIEUR, PARIS, 1788,   4 VOLUMES- Compherensive reference book about  Ottoman Empire by d'Ohsson. Rare sample with original binding, no missing pages.

    Lot No: 21

    Lot: 21

    IGNATIUS MOURADJA D’OHSSON (1740-1807), TABELAU GÉNÉRAL DE L’EMPIRE OTHOMAN, IMPERIMIE MONSIEUR, PARIS, 1788, 4 VOLUMES- Compherensive reference book about Ottoman Empire by d'Ohsson. Rare sample with original binding, no missing pages.

  • HENRI-ABRAHAM CHATELAIN (1684-1743), ATLAS HISTORIQUE OU NOUVELLE INTRODUCTION A L’HISTOIRE, A LA CHRONOLOGIE & A LA GEOGRAPHIE ANCIENNE & MODERNE, VOLUME V, (ASIE), AMSTERDAM 1719-5th Volume (Asie) of Chatelain's great historical atlas. Some gravures are missing, but most of the Ottoman and Asia Minor gravures are completed. In original 18th C. binding, rare sample.
30 x 46 cm

    Lot No: 22

    Lot: 22

    HENRI-ABRAHAM CHATELAIN (1684-1743), ATLAS HISTORIQUE OU NOUVELLE INTRODUCTION A L’HISTOIRE, A LA CHRONOLOGIE & A LA GEOGRAPHIE ANCIENNE & MODERNE, VOLUME V, (ASIE), AMSTERDAM 1719-5th Volume (Asie) of Chatelain's great historical atlas. Some gravures are missing, but most of the Ottoman and Asia Minor gravures are completed. In original 18th C. binding, rare sample. 30 x 46 cm

  • ALEXANDRE MARC RAYMOND (1872-1941), L’ART ISLAMIQUE EN ORIENT, PART II, PÉRA-CONSTANTINOPLE: LIBRAIRIE RAYMOND & SCHULZ, PRAG&PERA, 1924.-With original binding and completed 60 colorful plates. In good condition.

    Lot No: 23

    Lot: 23

    ALEXANDRE MARC RAYMOND (1872-1941), L’ART ISLAMIQUE EN ORIENT, PART II, PÉRA-CONSTANTINOPLE: LIBRAIRIE RAYMOND & SCHULZ, PRAG&PERA, 1924.-With original binding and completed 60 colorful plates. In good condition.

  • GUISEPPE MARIA MITELLI (1634–1718)-Consultationi de Medici nella grave malatia del Gran Sultano, e rimedii proprii per guarirlo. Dated 1683-1688.
35 x 54 cm
*Mitelli is considered as first cartoonist in world history of art. In this famous gravure,   he satirizes the Holy League with the Ottoman Empire after the Treaty of Karlowitz and humiliates the Turks and Muslims. One sample of this gravure is included in British Museum's inventory as well.

    Lot No: 24

    Lot: 24

    GUISEPPE MARIA MITELLI (1634–1718)-Consultationi de Medici nella grave malatia del Gran Sultano, e rimedii proprii per guarirlo. Dated 1683-1688. 35 x 54 cm *Mitelli is considered as first cartoonist in world history of art. In this famous gravure, he satirizes the Holy League with the Ottoman Empire after the Treaty of Karlowitz and humiliates the Turks and Muslims. One sample of this gravure is included in British Museum's inventory as well.

  • GEORG BRAUN (1541-1622) &FRANS HOGENBERG (1525-1590)-'Istanbul'.
From Braun ve Hogenberg'in Civitas Orbis Terrarum (1st Volume),  1570s .
33 x 48 cm

    Lot No: 25

    Lot: 25

    GEORG BRAUN (1541-1622) &FRANS HOGENBERG (1525-1590)-'Istanbul'. From Braun ve Hogenberg'in Civitas Orbis Terrarum (1st Volume), 1570s . 33 x 48 cm

  • JOHANN BAPTİST HOMANN (1664-1724)-'Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa regiones Proprias, Tributarias, Clientelares sicut et omens ejusdem Beglirbegatus seu Praefecturas Generales exhibens'. 
Dated 1730.
  52 x 61 cm

    Lot No: 26

    Lot: 26

    JOHANN BAPTİST HOMANN (1664-1724)-'Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa regiones Proprias, Tributarias, Clientelares sicut et omens ejusdem Beglirbegatus seu Praefecturas Generales exhibens'. Dated 1730. 52 x 61 cm

  • MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-'Plan de Constantinople de son Port Canal et Environs'. Grundriss von Constantinopel mit ihrem See Have Canal uz. angränzende Gegende.
Dated 1735. 
50 x 58 cm

    Lot No: 27

    Lot: 27

    MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-'Plan de Constantinople de son Port Canal et Environs'. Grundriss von Constantinopel mit ihrem See Have Canal uz. angränzende Gegende. Dated 1735. 50 x 58 cm

  • RIGOBERT BONNE (1727-1794)-Royaume de Perse et Géorgie.  Dated 1787.
28 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 28

    Lot: 28

    RIGOBERT BONNE (1727-1794)-Royaume de Perse et Géorgie. Dated 1787. 28 x 40 cm

  • HARİTA-Asia Minor, Archibald Fullarton & co.   Dated 1845.  
 27 x 22 cm

    Lot No: 29

    Lot: 29

    HARİTA-Asia Minor, Archibald Fullarton & co. Dated 1845. 27 x 22 cm

  • AUGUST-HENRI DUFOUR (1798-1865)-Presqu’ile de l’Asie occidentale et Asie Mineure, 1834 
33 x 25 cm

    Lot No: 30

    Lot: 30

    AUGUST-HENRI DUFOUR (1798-1865)-Presqu’ile de l’Asie occidentale et Asie Mineure, 1834 33 x 25 cm

  • RIGOBERT BONNE (1727-1794)-Turquie d’Asie a l’exception des enclaves situées en Arabie,  dated 1787. 28 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 31

    Lot: 31

    RIGOBERT BONNE (1727-1794)-Turquie d’Asie a l’exception des enclaves situées en Arabie, dated 1787. 28 x 40 cm

  • MAP-Guigoni Doyen, Egitto Palestina e Fenicia, dated 1864-69.
39 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 32

    Lot: 32

    MAP-Guigoni Doyen, Egitto Palestina e Fenicia, dated 1864-69. 39 x 30 cm

  • GRAVURE/MAP-Constantinopelen, J.Peeters, gravure of Istanbul, rare sample. 1680s.   
27.5 x 14.5 cm

    Lot No: 33

    Lot: 33

    GRAVURE/MAP-Constantinopelen, J.Peeters, gravure of Istanbul, rare sample. 1680s. 27.5 x 14.5 cm

  • GRAVURE/MAP-Veue Des Dardanelles De Constantinople,  Period: 1691-1705. 
 37x28 cm

    Lot No: 34

    Lot: 34

    GRAVURE/MAP-Veue Des Dardanelles De Constantinople, Period: 1691-1705. 37x28 cm

  • MAP-Plan du Bosphore de Thrace pour le Voyage du Jeune Anarcharsis
M. Barbié du Bocage, 1790 
38 x 27 cm

    Lot No: 35

    Lot: 35

    MAP-Plan du Bosphore de Thrace pour le Voyage du Jeune Anarcharsis M. Barbié du Bocage, 1790 38 x 27 cm

  • MATTHÄUS MERIAN (1593-1650)-Turcicum Imperium. Türckische Reich.  From book of Neuwe Archontologia Cosmic by Merian, dated 1636.  37 x 28 cm

    Lot No: 36

    Lot: 36

    MATTHÄUS MERIAN (1593-1650)-Turcicum Imperium. Türckische Reich. From book of Neuwe Archontologia Cosmic by Merian, dated 1636. 37 x 28 cm

  • MATTHÄUS MERIAN (1593-1650)-Tabula Russiae, Frankfurt. Dated 1638 . 
 37x28 cm

    Lot No: 37

    Lot: 37

    MATTHÄUS MERIAN (1593-1650)-Tabula Russiae, Frankfurt. Dated 1638 . 37x28 cm

  • SEBASTIAN MÜNSTER (1489-1552)-Constantinopel des Griechischen Keyserthumbs Hauptstatt, im Lande Thracia am Meere gelegen. Dated 1550. 
 33 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 38

    Lot: 38

    SEBASTIAN MÜNSTER (1489-1552)-Constantinopel des Griechischen Keyserthumbs Hauptstatt, im Lande Thracia am Meere gelegen. Dated 1550. 33 x 40 cm

  • MAP-Map of Istanbul and Bosphorus from Ottoman Period.
From late 19th C.Manuscript.
20,5 x 28 cm

    Lot No: 39

    Lot: 39

    MAP-Map of Istanbul and Bosphorus from Ottoman Period. From late 19th C.Manuscript. 20,5 x 28 cm

  • ABRAHAM ORTELIUS,(1527-1598)-Natoliae, quae olim Asia minor, nova descriptio, 
From  Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius, dated 1592 32x23 cm

    Lot No: 40

    Lot: 40

    ABRAHAM ORTELIUS,(1527-1598)-Natoliae, quae olim Asia minor, nova descriptio, From Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius, dated 1592 32x23 cm

  • MAP-Sketch Map from the Dardanelles to the Bopshore (Extra Supplement to the Illustrated London News, 1878).  Dated March 1878.
This map is illustrated Bosphorus, Sea of Marmora and location of British naval forces during War of 93/Russian-Ottoman War (1877-1878).
56 x 39.5 cm

    Lot No: 41

    Lot: 41

    MAP-Sketch Map from the Dardanelles to the Bopshore (Extra Supplement to the Illustrated London News, 1878). Dated March 1878. This map is illustrated Bosphorus, Sea of Marmora and location of British naval forces during War of 93/Russian-Ottoman War (1877-1878). 56 x 39.5 cm

  • JODOCUS HONDIUS, (1563-1612)-Tartaria. Dated 1633. 
From Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura’. 48 x 56 cm
*Tartaria/Tartary was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography for as vast part of ASia bounded by the Caspian Sea, The Ural Mountains, the Pasific Ocean, and the northern borders of China, India and Persia.

    Lot No: 42

    Lot: 42

    JODOCUS HONDIUS, (1563-1612)-Tartaria. Dated 1633. From Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura’. 48 x 56 cm *Tartaria/Tartary was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography for as vast part of ASia bounded by the Caspian Sea, The Ural Mountains, the Pasific Ocean, and the northern borders of China, India and Persia.

  • MAP-Asie Mineure, Arménie, Mésopotamie, dated 1839. 
 41 x 33 cm

    Lot No: 43

    Lot: 43

    MAP-Asie Mineure, Arménie, Mésopotamie, dated 1839. 41 x 33 cm

  • AUGUST-HENRI DUFOUR (ADOLPHE HIPPOLYTE DUFOUR) (1798-1865)-Grece Ancienne,  dated 1839.  41 x 33 cm

    Lot No: 44

    Lot: 44

    AUGUST-HENRI DUFOUR (ADOLPHE HIPPOLYTE DUFOUR) (1798-1865)-Grece Ancienne, dated 1839. 41 x 33 cm

  • A.H.DUFOUR-T.H.DUVEOTENAN-Arabie, Egypte, Nubie dated 1839.   30 x 41 cm

    Lot No: 45

    Lot: 45

    A.H.DUFOUR-T.H.DUVEOTENAN-Arabie, Egypte, Nubie dated 1839. 30 x 41 cm

  • CHARLES V. MONIN (1800-1880)-Palestine selon le partagé des douze tribes, dated 1839. 50x35 cm

    Lot No: 46

    Lot: 46

    CHARLES V. MONIN (1800-1880)-Palestine selon le partagé des douze tribes, dated 1839. 50x35 cm

  • GERARD &LEONARD VALCK (1652-1726)-Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa. Early 1700s.    
49 x 60 cm
*Rare Turkish Empire map by cartograph Valck who was known with the new scientific techniques he developed in cartograpy during late 17th-early 18th Centuries.

    Lot No: 47

    Lot: 47

    GERARD &LEONARD VALCK (1652-1726)-Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa. Early 1700s. 49 x 60 cm *Rare Turkish Empire map by cartograph Valck who was known with the new scientific techniques he developed in cartograpy during late 17th-early 18th Centuries.

  • ALEXİS HUBERT JAİLLOT (1632-1712)-Nova Imperii Turcarum Tabula, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis. Rare Ottoman map prepeared specially for Duke of Burgundy.
Early 1700’s.   46 x 60 cm

    Lot No: 48

    Lot: 48

    ALEXİS HUBERT JAİLLOT (1632-1712)-Nova Imperii Turcarum Tabula, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis. Rare Ottoman map prepeared specially for Duke of Burgundy. Early 1700’s. 46 x 60 cm

  • HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712) ET NICOLAS SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (1600-1667)-Estats de l’Empire du grand Seigneur des turcs en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, divisé en tous ses gouvernements, dated 1708.
 71 x 53 cm

    Lot No: 49

    Lot: 49

    HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712) ET NICOLAS SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (1600-1667)-Estats de l’Empire du grand Seigneur des turcs en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, divisé en tous ses gouvernements, dated 1708. 71 x 53 cm

  • ROBERT DE VAUGONDY-Carte de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur. Dated 1758.
54 x 71 cm

    Lot No: 50

    Lot: 50

    ROBERT DE VAUGONDY-Carte de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur. Dated 1758. 54 x 71 cm

  • GUILLAUME DELISLE (1675-1726)-Carte de la Turquie de l’arabie et de la Perse, dated 1720  (minor rip on upper right side). 
62x47 cm

    Lot No: 51

    Lot: 51

    GUILLAUME DELISLE (1675-1726)-Carte de la Turquie de l’arabie et de la Perse, dated 1720 (minor rip on upper right side). 62x47 cm

  • NICOLAS SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (1600-1667)-Les Estats de l’Empire des Turcs en Asie, par le Sieur Sanson d’Abeville, 1650s.  55 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 52

    Lot: 52

    NICOLAS SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (1600-1667)-Les Estats de l’Empire des Turcs en Asie, par le Sieur Sanson d’Abeville, 1650s. 55 x 40 cm

  • VINCENZO MARIA CORONELLI (1650-1718)-Bosphorus Map from famous atlas called Atlante Veneto (1690-1701) by Coronelli. 
Dated 1697. Rare sample. 45x61  cm

    Lot No: 53

    Lot: 53

    VINCENZO MARIA CORONELLI (1650-1718)-Bosphorus Map from famous atlas called Atlante Veneto (1690-1701) by Coronelli. Dated 1697. Rare sample. 45x61 cm

  • JOHANN BAPTIST HOMANN (1664-1724)-Map of Istanbul and Bosphorus by famous German geographer and cartographer Homann. 
Depicted with gravures of Istanbul, Dardanelles and some Turkish-Ottoman symbols.
Dated 1720. 
49 X 58 cm

    Lot No: 54

    Lot: 54

    JOHANN BAPTIST HOMANN (1664-1724)-Map of Istanbul and Bosphorus by famous German geographer and cartographer Homann. Depicted with gravures of Istanbul, Dardanelles and some Turkish-Ottoman symbols. Dated 1720. 49 X 58 cm

  • JOHN SPEED (1551-1629)-The Turkish Empire Newly Augmented by John Speed 1626.
Dated 1626.  
Map is surrounded with gravures of Ottoman costumes and 8 important cities under domination of Ottoman Empire. 

From , Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World by John Speed (1551-1629)
 56 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 55

    Lot: 55

    JOHN SPEED (1551-1629)-The Turkish Empire Newly Augmented by John Speed 1626. Dated 1626. Map is surrounded with gravures of Ottoman costumes and 8 important cities under domination of Ottoman Empire. From , Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World by John Speed (1551-1629) 56 x 40 cm

  • MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-Asia Minor and Environs.
Dated 1730.  47 x 55 cm

    Lot No: 56

    Lot: 56

    MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-Asia Minor and Environs. Dated 1730. 47 x 55 cm

  • MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam. Dated 1730-40.  
. 59x51 cm

    Lot No: 57

    Lot: 57

    MATTHÄUS SEUTTER (1678-1757)-Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam. Dated 1730-40. . 59x51 cm

  • HENRI ABRAHAM CHATELAIN (1684-1743)-Carte de la Turquie, de L'Arabie et de la Perse avec leurs dependances dressée sur les observations les plus nouvelles & les Memoires les plus recens. Dated 1720 
52 x 42 cm

    Lot No: 58

    Lot: 58

    HENRI ABRAHAM CHATELAIN (1684-1743)-Carte de la Turquie, de L'Arabie et de la Perse avec leurs dependances dressée sur les observations les plus nouvelles & les Memoires les plus recens. Dated 1720 52 x 42 cm

  • ABRAHAM ORTELIUS (1527-1598)-Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Chorographicus (The Pilgrimage of St.Paul), dated 1582. 
44 x 53 cm

    Lot No: 59

    Lot: 59

    ABRAHAM ORTELIUS (1527-1598)-Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Chorographicus (The Pilgrimage of St.Paul), dated 1582. 44 x 53 cm

  • MAP-Turkey & Constantinople, War Office 1909.      
Prepared by the British Ministry of Defence before World War I.
72 x 57 cm

    Lot No: 60

    Lot: 60

    MAP-Turkey & Constantinople, War Office 1909. Prepared by the British Ministry of Defence before World War I. 72 x 57 cm

  • MATTHÄUS MERİAN (1593-1650)-Constantinopolitanae urbis effigies ad vivum expressa, quam Turcae Stampoldam vocant. Dated 1635.  22 x 70 cm

    Lot No: 61

    Lot: 61

    MATTHÄUS MERİAN (1593-1650)-Constantinopolitanae urbis effigies ad vivum expressa, quam Turcae Stampoldam vocant. Dated 1635. 22 x 70 cm

  • HENRI ABRAHAM CHATELAÎN (1684-1743)-État abrégé de la Maison du Grand Seigneur de ses revenus et le gouvernement civil, militaire et ecclesiastique de cet Empire..
 Dated 1719. 44 x 52 cm

    Lot No: 62

    Lot: 62

    HENRI ABRAHAM CHATELAÎN (1684-1743)-État abrégé de la Maison du Grand Seigneur de ses revenus et le gouvernement civil, militaire et ecclesiastique de cet Empire.. Dated 1719. 44 x 52 cm

  • MACQUETTE/PAPER MODEL, IMAGERIE D’EPINAL, PELLERIN, PETITES CONSTRUCTIONS SÉMAPHRORE PRÈS CONSTANTINOPLE-Rare paper model of the architectural structure of the Maiden's Tower. It was one of the model architectural designs given in the special issues of Pelerin magazine. Early 1900s.
30 x 24 cm

    Lot No: 63

    Lot: 63

    MACQUETTE/PAPER MODEL, IMAGERIE D’EPINAL, PELLERIN, PETITES CONSTRUCTIONS SÉMAPHRORE PRÈS CONSTANTINOPLE-Rare paper model of the architectural structure of the Maiden's Tower. It was one of the model architectural designs given in the special issues of Pelerin magazine. Early 1900s. 30 x 24 cm

  • MACQUETTE, IMAGERİE D’EPİNAL, PELLERİN, NO 1263 MOSQUÉE TURQUE-Rare paper model which was given in the special issues of Pelerin magazine.
Early 1900s. 30 x 24 cm

    Lot No: 64

    Lot: 64

    MACQUETTE, IMAGERİE D’EPİNAL, PELLERİN, NO 1263 MOSQUÉE TURQUE-Rare paper model which was given in the special issues of Pelerin magazine. Early 1900s. 30 x 24 cm

  • GRAVURE-Imagerie d’Epinal: Bonaparte touchant les pestiférés 1880.   
64 x 42 cm

    Lot No: 65

    Lot: 65

    GRAVURE-Imagerie d’Epinal: Bonaparte touchant les pestiférés 1880. 64 x 42 cm

  • MAP-Hedzaj Province, Late 19th-early 20th C. 
14,5 x 10 cm

    Lot No: 66

    Lot: 66

    MAP-Hedzaj Province, Late 19th-early 20th C. 14,5 x 10 cm

  • MAP-İzmid, Late 19th-early 20th C. 
14,5 x 10 cm

    Lot No: 67

    Lot: 67

    MAP-İzmid, Late 19th-early 20th C. 14,5 x 10 cm

  • GRAVURE-The Eastern Question, The Entrance to the Dardanelles, The Castle of Europe, The Castle of Asia, Dardanelles, 27 January 1877.

50 x 40 cm

    Lot No: 68

    Lot: 68

    GRAVURE-The Eastern Question, The Entrance to the Dardanelles, The Castle of Europe, The Castle of Asia, Dardanelles, 27 January 1877. 50 x 40 cm

  • LE PÈLERIN, 25 OCTOBER 1925-Cover Page: Portrait of Atatürk.
With news about Turkish-English conflict for Mosul.
Rare sample. No missing pages, in good conditin.
19.5 x 27 cm

    Lot No: 69

    Lot: 69

    LE PÈLERIN, 25 OCTOBER 1925-Cover Page: Portrait of Atatürk. With news about Turkish-English conflict for Mosul. Rare sample. No missing pages, in good conditin. 19.5 x 27 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  09 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No 4149-Cover Page: General İsmet Pasha. The Commander of Turkish Army in Asia Minor.
With news about Turkish-Greek War.
One page is missing between pages 214-215. Includes advertising pages.
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 70

    Lot: 70

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 09 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No 4149-Cover Page: General İsmet Pasha. The Commander of Turkish Army in Asia Minor. With news about Turkish-Greek War. One page is missing between pages 214-215. Includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  28 JULY 1923 – No 4195-With news and images about Lausanne Peace Conference & Treaty. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 71

    Lot: 71

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 28 JULY 1923 – No 4195-With news and images about Lausanne Peace Conference & Treaty. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  8 MAY 1909 – No 3454-Cover Page: End of Abdülhamid II Period. With news about Istanbul and Revolution of Young Turks. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition.  41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 72

    Lot: 72

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 8 MAY 1909 – No 3454-Cover Page: End of Abdülhamid II Period. With news about Istanbul and Revolution of Young Turks. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 21 FEBRUARY 1897-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid.
As is.  46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 73

    Lot: 73

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 21 FEBRUARY 1897-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid. As is. 46 x 31 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  22 AUGUST 1908 – No 3417-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid. With news about Revolution of Young Turks. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 
41 X 30 cm

    Lot No: 74

    Lot: 74

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 22 AUGUST 1908 – No 3417-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid. With news about Revolution of Young Turks. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

  • FIGARO ILLUSTRÉ CONSTANTINOPLE, OCTOBER 1908-Cover Page: F. Zonaro, 'New Turkey'. A special Istanbul issue.
*Rare issue which is individually published about Istanbul in Europe. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition.
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 75

    Lot: 75

    FIGARO ILLUSTRÉ CONSTANTINOPLE, OCTOBER 1908-Cover Page: F. Zonaro, 'New Turkey'. A special Istanbul issue. *Rare issue which is individually published about Istanbul in Europe. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. In good condition. 41 x 30 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 6 FEBRUARY 1913-Cover Page: Intervention of Committee of Union and Progress in 1913. No missing pages. In good condition. 
46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 76

    Lot: 76

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 6 FEBRUARY 1913-Cover Page: Intervention of Committee of Union and Progress in 1913. No missing pages. In good condition. 46 x 31 cm

  • LE PÈLERIN, 27 APRIL 1924-Cover Page: Closing down teh Catholich schools after Law of Unification of Education.
No missing pages, in good condition. 19.5 x 27 cm

    Lot No: 77

    Lot: 77

    LE PÈLERIN, 27 APRIL 1924-Cover Page: Closing down teh Catholich schools after Law of Unification of Education. No missing pages, in good condition. 19.5 x 27 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION, 17 OCTOBER 1908 – No 3425-Cover Page: Striking workers in Hedjaz Railway.
No missing pages except advertising pages. 
In perfect condition. 41 X 30 cm

    Lot No: 78

    Lot: 78

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 17 OCTOBER 1908 – No 3425-Cover Page: Striking workers in Hedjaz Railway. No missing pages except advertising pages. In perfect condition. 41 X 30 cm

  • LE JOURNAL ILLUSTRÉ, 25 JUNE 1876-Cover Page: Assasination to Sultan Murad V. 
No missing pages, in good condition.
40 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 79

    Lot: 79

    LE JOURNAL ILLUSTRÉ, 25 JUNE 1876-Cover Page: Assasination to Sultan Murad V. No missing pages, in good condition. 40 x 30 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 18 OCTOBER 1908-Cover Page: The Reveal of Eastern Question. 
No missing pages, in good condition.
46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 80

    Lot: 80

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 18 OCTOBER 1908-Cover Page: The Reveal of Eastern Question. No missing pages, in good condition. 46 x 31 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 9 MAY 1908-Cover Page: Ottoman-Greek War.
No missing pages, in good condition. 46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 81

    Lot: 81

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 9 MAY 1908-Cover Page: Ottoman-Greek War. No missing pages, in good condition. 46 x 31 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 24 AUGUST 1913-Cover Page: Macedonian Question in Balkans. 
In good condition. 46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 82

    Lot: 82

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 24 AUGUST 1913-Cover Page: Macedonian Question in Balkans. In good condition. 46 x 31 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 24 NOVEMBER 1895-Cover Page: Ottoman Army, 3 Ottoman Officers: Sadık, Rıza and Şevket. Armenian attack to a mosque is depicted on reverse cover page. 
No missing pages, in good condition.46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 83

    Lot: 83

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 24 NOVEMBER 1895-Cover Page: Ottoman Army, 3 Ottoman Officers: Sadık, Rıza and Şevket. Armenian attack to a mosque is depicted on reverse cover page. No missing pages, in good condition.46 x 31 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 16 DECEMBER  1893-Cover Page: Turkish heads, “Tête Turc" of Rochefort. No missing pages, in good condition. 46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 84

    Lot: 84

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 16 DECEMBER 1893-Cover Page: Turkish heads, “Tête Turc" of Rochefort. No missing pages, in good condition. 46 x 31 cm

  • LE PETIT JOURNAL, 1900-“Exposition de 1900”, reverse cover page. 
46 x 31 cm

    Lot No: 85

    Lot: 85

    LE PETIT JOURNAL, 1900-“Exposition de 1900”, reverse cover page. 46 x 31 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  30 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No 4152-Cover Page: Generals of the Allies in İstanbul'. News with Turkish War of Independence and liberation of İzmir.
One page is missing between pages 286-287, includes advertising pages. 
41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 86

    Lot: 86

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 30 SEPTEMBER 1922 – No 4152-Cover Page: Generals of the Allies in İstanbul'. News with Turkish War of Independence and liberation of İzmir. One page is missing between pages 286-287, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION, 08 AUGUST 1908 - No 3415-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid greets the public.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

    Lot No: 87

    Lot: 87

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 08 AUGUST 1908 - No 3415-Cover Page: Sultan Abdulhamid greets the public. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,   24 FEBRUARY 1912 – No 3600-With images about elegant Turkish ladies. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 88

    Lot: 88

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 24 FEBRUARY 1912 – No 3600-With images about elegant Turkish ladies. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION, 19 APRIL 1913 – No 3660-A special issue including news about Balkan Wars and capture of Edirne. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 89

    Lot: 89

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 19 APRIL 1913 – No 3660-A special issue including news about Balkan Wars and capture of Edirne. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,   2 NOVEMBER 1912 – No 3636-An issue about Balkan Wars, Siege of Edirne by Bulgarians. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 90

    Lot: 90

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 2 NOVEMBER 1912 – No 3636-An issue about Balkan Wars, Siege of Edirne by Bulgarians. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  1 FEBRUARY  1913 – No 3649-Cover Page: Enver Pasha, after intervention of Committee of Union and Progress.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

    Lot No: 91

    Lot: 91

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 1 FEBRUARY 1913 – No 3649-Cover Page: Enver Pasha, after intervention of Committee of Union and Progress. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION, 15 MARCH 1913 – No 3655-Cover Page: Capture of Edirne by Bulgarians during the Balkan Wars. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

    Lot No: 92

    Lot: 92

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 15 MARCH 1913 – No 3655-Cover Page: Capture of Edirne by Bulgarians during the Balkan Wars. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 X 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  17 JANUARY 1914 – No 3699-Cover Page: Enver Pasha, the first consul of Turkey. After intervention of Committee of Union and Progress.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 93

    Lot: 93

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 17 JANUARY 1914 – No 3699-Cover Page: Enver Pasha, the first consul of Turkey. After intervention of Committee of Union and Progress. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • L'ILLUSTRATION,  25 AUGUST1923 – No 4199-Includes images and informations about Seljuk monuments in Konya.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

    Lot No: 94

    Lot: 94

    L'ILLUSTRATION, 25 AUGUST1923 – No 4199-Includes images and informations about Seljuk monuments in Konya. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 41 x 30 cm

  • LE MIROIR, 30 MAY 1915-Cover Page: Landing at Cape Helles (Seddülbahir) during Gallipoli Campaign.
No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 24x34 cm

    Lot No: 95

    Lot: 95

    LE MIROIR, 30 MAY 1915-Cover Page: Landing at Cape Helles (Seddülbahir) during Gallipoli Campaign. No missing pages, includes advertising pages. 24x34 cm

  • LE MIROIR, 19 DECEMBER 1915-Cover Page: Turkish Minister in Gabatepe: A blindfolded Ottoman officer is depicted during Gallipoli Campaign.
No missing pages. 24 x 34 cm

    Lot No: 96

    Lot: 96

    LE MIROIR, 19 DECEMBER 1915-Cover Page: Turkish Minister in Gabatepe: A blindfolded Ottoman officer is depicted during Gallipoli Campaign. No missing pages. 24 x 34 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Les Russes en Turquie: Les Russes rencontrent un obstacle insurmontable, Gien Geoffroy et C. marked, 1850's.
Rare sample.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 97

    Lot: 97

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Les Russes en Turquie: Les Russes rencontrent un obstacle insurmontable, Gien Geoffroy et C. marked, 1850's. Rare sample. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Batailla de la Tchernaia, depiction of battle from ca. 1854-1856.  Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 98

    Lot: 98

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Batailla de la Tchernaia, depiction of battle from ca. 1854-1856. Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Bataille d’Inkermann, depiction of battle from ca. 1854-1856.  Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 99

    Lot: 99

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Bataille d’Inkermann, depiction of battle from ca. 1854-1856. Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Convoi de Blesssés Anglais escorté par des troupes Français. 1854-1856. 
Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 100

    Lot: 100

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Convoi de Blesssés Anglais escorté par des troupes Français. 1854-1856. Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Etablissement du chemin de Fer a Balaclava,  Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D. 21,5 cm

    Lot No: 101

    Lot: 101

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Etablissement du chemin de Fer a Balaclava, Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D. 21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Charge de la Cavalerie Anglaise a Balaclava, Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 102

    Lot: 102

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Charge de la Cavalerie Anglaise a Balaclava, Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Prise d’Eupatoria par Omer Pacha,  Creil et Montereau marked. 
*Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 103

    Lot: 103

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Campagne de Crimée, Prise d’Eupatoria par Omer Pacha, Creil et Montereau marked. *Creil et Montereau won gold medal in 1834, 1839, 1844 and 1849. D.21,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Expédition d’Orient, Le Sultan allant rendre visite au Prince Napoléon,
Gien Geoffroy et C. Marked, 1850's.
D.19,5 cm

    Lot No: 104

    Lot: 104

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Expédition d’Orient, Le Sultan allant rendre visite au Prince Napoléon, Gien Geoffroy et C. Marked, 1850's. D.19,5 cm

  • EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Expédition d’Orient: Charge de Cavalerie Reguliere Turque,  Gien Geoffroy et C. Marked, 1850's.
Rare sample.
D.21,5 cm

    Lot No: 105

    Lot: 105

    EARTHENWARE CABINET PLATE-Expédition d’Orient: Charge de Cavalerie Reguliere Turque, Gien Geoffroy et C. Marked, 1850's. Rare sample. D.21,5 cm
